Hi, my name is Ding Lyu. I obtained a Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Xiaofan Wang and Prof. Lin Wang at the Complex Network and Control Lab at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I was a visiting Ph.D student supervised by Prof. Alex 'Sandy' Pentland at the Human Dynamics Group at MIT Media Lab, supported by CSC Scholarship.

I am interested in:

  • Computational Social Science (empirical analysis of social networks, human behavior in complex social systems)
  • Graph Machine Learning (temporal graph neural networks for understanding network evolution and dynamics)
  • Adversarial Game of Networks (competitive game of systems from a network perspective, modeling and reinforcement learning)

Before I was enrolled into a doctoral program at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, I had received a B.Eng. from School of Control Science and Engineering at Shandong University.


  • [07/14/2021-10/20/2021] Intern algorithm engineer (Machine Learning) at Ant Group (Shanghai).
  • Reviewer of IEEE TCAS-II, IFAC-WC, IEEE SMC, NetSci, IEEE CCC.
  • Organizer of NetSci 2022.


  • Ding Lyu, Yuan Yuan, Lin Wang, Xiaofan Wang, and Alex Pentland, "Investigating and Modeling the Dynamics of Long Ties," Communications Physics 2022. (Nature Portfolio) DOI: 10.1038/s42005-022-00863-w.
  • Ding Lyu, Yansong Teng, Lin Wang, Xiaofan Wang, and Alex Pentland, "An Experimental Study of Tie Transparency and Individual Perception in Social Networks," Proceedings of the Royal Society A 2022. DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2021.0744.
  • Ding Lyu, Hanxiao Liu, Lin Wang, and Xiaofan Wang, "A Two-network Adversarial Game: Model, Strategy, and Structure," Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2024.108043.
  • Ding Lyu, Hanxiao Liu, Lin Wang, and Xiaofan Wang, "Evolution of Cooperation in a Mixed Cooperative-competitive Structured Population," Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2024.130035.
  • Ding Lyu, Hanxiao Liu, Chuang Deng, and Xiaofan Wang, "Promotion of Cooperation in a Structured Population with Environmental Feedbacks," Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science (under review).
  • Shuyang Shi, Ding Lyu, Lin Wang, Xiaofan Wang, and Guanrong Chen, "Characterizing Regional Importance in Cities with Human Mobility Motifs of Metro Networks," arXiv: abs/2405.04066.
  • Hanxiao Liu, Yuqing Ni, Ding Lyu, Xiaoqiang Ren, and Xiaofan Wang, "Subsystem-importance-aware DoS Attacks and Countermeasures," Automatica, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2024.111640.


  • Ding Lyu, Yansong Teng, Lin Wang, Xiaofan Wang, Alex Pentland, "Tie Transparency in Social Networks," International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2 2020).
  • Ding Lyu, Yuan Yuan, Lin Wang, Xiaofan Wang, Alex Pentland, "Investigating and Modeling the Dynamics of Long Ties," NetSci 2022.
  • Ding Lyu, Yuan Yuan, Lin Wang, Xiaofan Wang, Alex Pentland, "Investigating and Modeling the Dynamics of Long Ties," International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2 2022).
  • Xuhong Wang, Ding Lyu, et al. "APAN: Asynchronous propagation Attention Network for Real-time Temporal Graph Embedding," International Conference on Management of Data (SigMod 2021). DOI: 10.1145/3448016.3457564.


  • 一种针对信息物理系统远程状态估计的拒绝服务攻击方法, ZL 2022 1 1555276.7, 第三发明人

Bootstrap theme example

Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Bootstrap theme example

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Media lab.